Thursday, June 3, 2010


Hello interwebs friends.

It's that time.  I've enjoyed this blog - meeting some new people and keeping in touch with some of those who are nearest and dearest to me.  But its time has come to an end.  I've always been a little bit ambivalent about keeping this blog - evidenced by the occasional long hiatuses.  There may be another blog in my future, but I'm leaving that to the future.  Right now other things are drawing me away, and I'm following.

For some of you, hopefully that will mean more time for phone calls and emails.

For others, I'll see you around the interwebs!


saisai said...


just jenn said...

so long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, adieu ... all the best to you and the babe and the dog. oh, and good luck with that pesky bar!

T said...

this blog has been my favorite distraction. i'll miss it!

Michael said...

It's definitely a shame... you'll be sorely missed in the blawgosphere! :-(

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